The film selected by the Norwegian Film Academy to be presented at this year’s Academy Awards is titles “Kon–Tiki” directed by Espen Sandberg and Joachim Rønning. The film portrays the famous expedition of the Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl who crossed the Pacific Ocean to the Polynesian islands on his balsa raft Kon–Tiki in 1947.
The film, scripted by Petter Skavlan and Allan Scott, is a dramatized version of the trip with which Heyerdahl wanted to prove his belief that Polynesia could have been colonized by South American tribes in the pre-Columbian period. In order to test his theory, Heyerdahl constructed a raft with pre-columbian techniques crossing with her the Pacific ocean with the crew of five men.
The film was shot in locations of Norway, Polynesia, USA, Malta, Peru and the Pacific Ocean with a budget about $ 15.5 million. The cast includes actors as Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen, Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Gustaf Skarsgård, Odd-Magnus Williamson or Tobias Santelmann.
The directors Espen Sandberg and Joachim Rønning are also behind other successful films such as “Max Manus” or the international production “Bandidas” starring Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz, produced and co-written by French filmmaker Luc Besson.
Rønning and Sandberg are co-owners of one of the largest advertising production companies in Scandinavia, Motion Blur, and, according to sources who reveal information about new European film projects, the filmmakers are preparing a big epic story of the Viking age.
We wish Kon-tiki luck in the race for the Oscar, knowing that the film has already been nominated in the section of Best Foreign Film at the 70th edition of the Golden Globe Awards to be held in Los Angeles on January 13, 2013.